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Aquí se recogen los resultados de la investigación desarrollada bajo el proyecto SALVÁ-SINOBAS.


Obregón M.A., Fernández-Fernández M.I., Sáenz G. "Unusual halo display recorded at Caspe (Spain) in 1787". Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung., Vol 45(4), pp. 471-475 (2010). DOI:10.1556/AGeod.45.2010.4.6 [pdf]

Gómez-Navarro, J. J., Montávez, J. P., Jerez, S., Jiménez-Guerrero, P., Lorente-Plazas, R., González-Rouco, J. F., and Zorita, E., 2010. A regional climate simulation over the Iberian Peninsula for the last millennium, Clim. Past Discuss., 6, 2071-2116, doi:10.5194/cpd-6-2071-2010. [link]

Domínguez-Castro, F., García-Herrera, R., Barriendos, M., Ribera P., 2010. A shift in the spatial pattern of Iberian droughts during the 17th century. Climate of the Past, 6, 553-563. [pdf]

Patón, D., García-Herrera, R., Cuenca, J., Galavis, M. and Roig, F.A.,  2009. Influence of climate on radial growth of Holm Oaks (Quercus ilex  subsp. Ballota desf) from SW Spain. Geochronometria 34, 49-56, doi:  10.2478/v10003-009-0017-1. Available online at and


“Dendroecología y Dendroclimatología del castaño (Castanea sativa Miller) en la Sierra de Montánchez” (Universidad de Extremadura)

Comunicaciones a congresos:

 J.J. Gómez-Navarro, J.P. Montávez, S. Jerez, P. Jiménez-Guerrero, R.  Lorente Plazas, J. F. González-Rouco y E. Zorita. Comparison of two  millennial regional climate experiments over the Iberian Peninsula.  Presentación oral en 10th EMS Annual Meeting & 8th European Conference  on Applied Climatology, en septiembre de 2010 en Zurich. Abstract ; Presentación oral


EUROPEAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2010. 02–07 May 2010, Vienna, Austria. “Extreme drought conditions over NE Iberia in early 19th century (1812-1825) and its possible relationship to major volcanic eruptions”. Abstract ; Poster

EUROPEAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2010. 02–07 May 2010, Vienna, Austria. “Extreme Meteorological Events from documentary sources on old Aragon Kingdom, AD 1000-1500. Firsts results after a systematic approach to data availability”. Abstract ; Poster

EUROPEAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2010. 02–07 May 2010, Vienna, Austria. “New early instrumental series since the beginning of the 19th century in eastern Iberia (Valencia, Spain)”. Abstract ; Poster

EUROPEAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2010. 02–07 May 2010, Vienna, Austria. “The SunCloud project: worldwide compilation of long-term series of sunshine duration and cloudiness observations”. Abstract ; Poster


EUROPEAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2010. 02–07 May 2010, Vienna, Austria. “Long-term variability of cloudiness over NE Iberia from late 18th century: preliminary results”. Abstract ; Poster

EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON APPLICATIONS OF METEOROLOGY. EMS ANNUAL MEETING. EMS & ECAM 2009. 28 Septiembre-02 Octubre 2009, Toulouse, Francia. "Recent climate trends and multisecular climate variability: temperature and precipitation during the cold season (October-March) in the Ebro Basin (NE of Spain) between 1500 and 2008". Abstract ; Presentación Oral

EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON APPLICATIONS OF METEOROLOGY. EMS ANNUAL MEETING. EMS & ECAM 2009. 28 Septiembre-02 Octubre 2009, Toulouse, Francia. "The Salvá-Sinobas project: Characterization of Iberian climate during the 1750-1850 period". Abstract

EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON APPLICATIONS OF METEOROLOGY. EMS ANNUAL MEETING. EMS & ECAM 2009. 28 Septiembre-02 Octubre 2009, Toulouse, Francia. "Extense historical droughts in Spain derived from documentary sources". Abstract

4th ESF MedCLIVAR Workshop on "Feedbacks of the Mediterranean Dynamics in the Global Climate System". 28-30 September 2009, Sesimbra, Portugal. "A westerly circulation index based on marine data between 1650 to 2008: Implications for the atmospheric variability in the Mediterranean" Presentación Oral

J.J. Gómez-Navarro, J.P. Montávez , S. Jerez , J.A. Garcia-Valero, P.  Jiménez-Guerrero, E. Zorita y J.F.González-Rouco. The climate of the  Iberian Peninsula during the last five centuries from a regional climate  model perspective. Presentación oral en: Anual meeting 9th EMS-9th ECM,  en septiembre de 2009. Abstract ; Presentación oral

XXXII BIENAL DE FÍSICA 7 al 11 de septiembre de 2009, Ciudad Real,España.“Impacto climático de las grandes erupciones volcánicas de 1783,1808 y 1815 en el Suroeste de España” Abstract ; Poster

J.J. Gomez-Navarro, J.P. Montavez, S. Jerez, P.Jimenez-Guerrero, J.A.  Garcia-Valero, J.F. Gonzalez-Rouco. Climate of the last millennium:  reconstructions, analyses and explanation of regional and seasonal  changes. Póster en EGU General Assembly 2009, en abril de 2009 en Viena. Abstract ; Poster

CLIVAR. CLIMA EN ESPAÑA: PASADO, PRESENTE Y FUTURO. 11-13 Febrero 2009, Madrid, España."Proyecto Salvá-Sinobas: Caracterización del clima de la Península Ibérica durante el periodo 1750-1850". Abstract ; Poster

J.P. Montávez, J.J. Gómez-Navarro, S. Jerez, J.A García-Valero y J.F.  González-Rouco. Past and present regional climate simulations for the  Iberian Peninsula. Póster en AGU 2008 Fall Meeting, en diciembre de 2008  en San Francisco. Abstract ; Poster